The wage gap in the United States is no secret.
According to the National Committee on Pay Equity, “The next Equal Pay Day is Tuesday, April 10, 2018.” This date symbolizes how far into the year women must work to earn what men earned in the previous year.
While I agree with many that industries and legislation need to change, I still encourage every woman to participate in her own rescue. We can’t wait for anyone else to change, but we can change what we’re willing to accept.
In today’s video, I talk about 5 ways we as women specifically, can earn more money. These are just a few of the practical steps I’ve taken and have helped thousands of other women take in their journey to earn more.
1. Face your fears. (You’re too fabulous to not go for more! Together, we’re going to learn how to do it afraid!)
2. Rock your gifts. You were born with something special. Use it or lose it, honey!)
3. Establish your value. (You bring a lot to the table. No more hiding. Let’s flaunt it!)
4. Negotiate like a ninja. (Who can say “No,” to your boldness and confidence, girlfriend?)
5. Maximize your money maker.(You’re making more, but let’s make sure we manage it wisely.)
To learn more about these 5 principles and take your own pledge to earn more, join the absolutely FREE Earn More Money Movement at during the month of April 2018.
Learn more by watching this video now!
As always, I want to hear and learn from you!
What do you think is stopping you from earning more money? Are you willing to take the pledge to earn more with us?