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Crystal Escobar: No More Shoulds

[spp-tweet tweet=”[bctt tweet=”“Get rid of the ‘shoulds’ in your life. Don’t beat yourself up about what you think you should be doing.” – Crystal Escobar” username=”seekwisdompcw”]

About our Guest:

Crystal Escobar is a mother, author, entrepreneur, blogger, and podcaster and a wannabe balanced mom. When Crystal first became a mom she wondered if she could be there for her kids and be there for herself. She started exploring her quest for balance in 2010 and now she helps other moms find purpose and balance. She now juggles her blog, podcast, business, and four kids, sharing her journey along the way.

Episode Summary:

This is Part 3 of our Results NOT Resolutions series. Today, I am joined by Crystal Escobar an author and entrepreneur who says, “we cannot live our life based on shoulds.” Today’s focus is on the space pillar which is all about setting up your life to support you. We talk about achieving balance and when to let things go. We talk about how it is okay to ask for help and how creating a list with 30-minute intervals can help get things done and about why it’s critical to let things go and not worry about the expectations of others.

[spp-tweet tweet=”[bctt tweet=”“When you’re trying to be creative you have to clear the clutter.” – Crystal Escobar” username=”seekwisdompcw”]


  • Don’t live your life based on “shoulds” and trying to manage the expectations of others.
  • Harmony can be an upgrade to balance. It’s okay to have your own goals and aspirations and try to achieve balance in your life.
  • Sometimes you have to let expectations go and accept that having kids means that sometimes your house will be messy and unorganized.
  • Be organized and set up your workspace, so that you can focus on what you’re doing and not be distracted by clutter around you.
  • Multitasking and trying to do more than one project at a time will actually cost you time in the long run.
  • To be productive, create a 30-minute list. List things you need to get done and use a timer to work on each item.
  • It’s okay to set time aside for yourself and your work and get help or outsource some of the household stuff.

Quotes from the show:

“Include your kids in what you’re working on so they understand what’s possible.” – Crystal Escobar

“Balance to me is more about a state of mind. It’s not about all the things I can get done in one day.” – Crystal Escobar

“We’re not as effective as we think we are when we’re doing two or more things at once.” – Crystal Escobar

Use a timer when you’re organizing and then tell yourself “It’s time to move on.” – Crystal Escobar

“Become okay with B- work in certain areas.” – Patrice Washington

[spp-tweet tweet=”[bctt tweet=”“When your space is in order it teaches others how to treat you.” – Patrice Washington” username=”seekwisdompcw”]

“Maybe you can’t have a balanced day, but you can plan for a balanced week.” – Crystal Escobar

“We have to let go of the expectations we believe others may have of us, because we’re only frustrating ourselves.” – Patrice Washington


Crystal’s Redefining Wealth Rapid Wisdom Questions

Define Success:

Being connected to your intuition and following what your intuition is telling you to do. Following your purpose and not being driven by the money. Being connected with your inner being and God and your intuition through prayer and meditation.

Define Wealth in 3 Words or Less:

Time freedom.

One Book that Has Redefined How You See Wealth:

The Seat of the Soul

Fill-in the Blanks… “My name is ___ and the truth about wealth is ___”:

“My name is Crystal Escobar and the truth about wealth is more about your spirituality and how you are evolving as a spiritual being and following your true passion.”  

[spp-tweet tweet=”[bctt tweet=”“Balance to me is more about a state of mind. It’s not about all the things I can get done in one day.” – Crystal Escobar” username=”seekwisdompcw”]


My Life As a Wannabe Balanced Mom

Wannabe Balanced Mom

Crystal Escobar on Facebook

Crystal Escobar on Instagram

Wannabe Balanced Mom on YouTube

The One Thing

Finding Your Own North Star: Claiming the Life You Were Meant to Live

Boundaries Are Necessities

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