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DeVon Franklin: Prayer Isn’t Enough to Succeed

Everyone wants to have wealth and success. The problem is we often look for it in the wrong place. We chase after money or we chase after the perfect opportunity, and we end up missing out on what’s really important.

[bctt tweet=”“Success has weight to it.” – DeVon Franklin” username=”seekwisdompcw”]

Wealth isn’t defined by money. The true definition of wealth is well being. Yes, money comes along with that but it’s only a small fraction. You have to take care of your soul, and the thing we overlook the most is taking care of our bodies.

If you really want to be successful you need to work on all areas of yourself, don’t just chase the dollar. Work on your relationships, your passions, and yourself – the money will come.

On this episode of redefining wealth we are joined by one of the most influential Christian under 40, and the man Oprah refers to as a “Bonafide Dynamo” – DeVon Franklin. We dive deep into what it takes to be successful on a physical and spiritual level and analyze not just what it looks like to be successful, but what it takes to become successful. Download this episode today to see how you can be enlightened and how to truly achieve the wealth you want.

[bctt tweet=”“Too often we look at someone’s tree of success, we don’t actually go and examine the roots.” – DeVon Franklin” username=”seekwisdompcw”]

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