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Tonya Dalton: The Joy of Missing Out

Are you the type of person who goes to bed thinking, “I didn’t do enough today,” “I didn’t accomplish all the things I had on my to-do list and I feel awful about it”? Too often, this is how we end our day, and it’s how we wake up the next day.

But here’s the thing, feeling bad about yourself for not being as productive as you wanted to be doesn’t serve you. And it certainly isn’t going to boost your productivity because who’s going to be more productive when they feel like they’ve been bad?

In today’s episode, I sit down with Tonya Dalton, author of The Joy of Missing Out and founder of inkWELL Press Productivity Co., a company centered around productivity tools and training, to dive further into this topic of to-do lists and priorities and how most of the things we check off our lists just leave us feeling incomplete and unhappy.

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The Joy of Missing Out Takeaways

  • So often we think life is meant to be endured, when truly it’s meant to be enjoyed. – Tonya Dalton
  • We’re so busy chasing busy that we don’t give ourselves a chance to inhale so that we can exhale. – Tonya Dalton
  • Give yourself permission to take back your power and choose what actually matters to you. – Patrice Washington
  • We’re so busy people pleasing that we put ourselves at the very bottom of our own people-pleasing list. – Tonya Dalton
  • We can’t shine our light on other people if our batteries always need recharging. – Tonya Dalton
  • Self-care is not about spa days and pedicures; it’s about filling up your soul, not your calendar. – Tonya Dalton
  • Quiet your soul – only then will you be able to see where God is pulling you. – Tonya Dalton

When it comes to living that go-go-go lifestyle, it’s easy to get caught up in the busyness of it and think that productivity should outweigh our happiness. But that’s just not true – your happiness is more important than checking off a bunch of meaningless tasks.

So I invite you to think about how you’re living each day. Are you checking off tasks that are truly important to you or are you checking off tasks and creating lists that are meaningless to your purpose?

Redefining Wealth Rapid Wisdom Questions

And with that, let’s dig into Tonya’s responses to our Redefining Wealth Rapid Wisdom Questions.

Define Success:

“Living a life that’s true to my message.”

Define Wealth in 3 Words or Less:

“Time with family.”

One Book that Has Redefined How You See Wealth:

Total Money Makeover by Dave Ramsey

Fill-in the Blanks … “My name is ___ and the truth about wealth is ___”:

“My name is Tonya Dalton and the truth about wealth really is about how you spend your time more than anything else.” 


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