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Abundance Requires Accountability

[bctt tweet=”“Accountability is the secret sauce for abundance.”” username=”seekwisdompcw”]

How many times do you find yourself starting a project, but never able to cross the finish line?

Maybe you get 80% of the way there. You can see the finish line, but then you stop. You let other things get in the way.

You’re not alone. Everyone has that problem.

The way you fix that is by having more accountability in your life.

Sometimes you need someone by your side to share your progress with. Someone to give you that push across the finish line.

I’m going to give you a big tip: make sure it’s someone outside of your house.

Your partner is going to be one of the first people to show you sympathy when you don’t feel like doing something.

As much as I love my husband, I know if I rely on him to hold my accountable I won’t get things done. It’s not his fault though, I know just the right face to make to get his pity.

That’s why I have a friend I check in with regularly, Brandi Harvey.

Brandi’s not afraid to push me harder, and she’s not as willing to let me off the hook when I don’t meet my deadlines. And I return the favor.

But not every situation calls for accountability from an outside source. Your actions, your decision, all come from personal accountability.

It’s such an important topic, I felt I needed to five into a full episode on it.

On this episode of Redefining Wealth, I discuss how accountability is the secret sauce to success. Without it no one would get anything done, and it’s what really serves as a moral guideline in this world where people are obsessed with bad behaviors.

Download this episode today and learn how you can use accountability to get the success and wealth you want in every area of your life and truly feel fulfilled

[bctt tweet=”“Clarity is what you need to build your prosperity.”” username=”seekwisdompcw”]

The Cliff Notes:

Financial mismanagement comes from a lack of fulfillment.
Wealth is about well being.
There will always be something that holds you back from crossing that finish line.
Sometimes it’s because of fear.
Other times it’s because you don’t have accountability.
No one creates long lasting success in a bubble.
We were created for companionship with others.
Create a support system that won’t allow you to get in your own way.
Find an accountability partner that is out of your house.
We have a false upbringing of “Don’t tell other people your business.”
You do need to be accountable to yourself.
Our society indulges in the bad behaviors of others.
How you are feeling today should not change your character.
There is nothing worse than breaking a promise to yourself.
Be accountable to the vision, not the process to get there.
Are you operating with a spirit of accountability to your creator?
We all have a calling to make an impact to the masses.
Are you just studying the principals of your sacred text, or are you practicing them?
Give up the possibility of a better past.
Don’t compromise your integrity to be liked.
You’re childhood is over, don’t subscribe to what you learned then.

[bctt tweet=”“You always represent more than just yourself.”” username=”seekwisdompcw”]


Mental Health Awareness Month

Brandi Harvey Episode

Dr. Dennis Kimbro Episode

Pillar 2: People

Pillar 4: Faith

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