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Brandi Harvey: Your Roots Create Your Results

Let me ask you something, and I want you to be honest. What’s the point of making a resolution if you aren’t going to keep it? Also, how do you expect to keep your resolution if you’re not fixing the root of the problem?

For example, the most common New Year’s resolution is to get in shape. You can go to the gym, and lose the weight but that alone isn’t going to keep the weight off.

Your fitness doesn’t start at the body. Like most things in life, it starts at the mind and soul.

You need to analyze what got you overweight, to begin with. Is it from emotional eating? Do you have bad habits, like rewarding yourself with a milkshake when you do something good?

On this episode of the Redefining wealth podcast, we are joined by my good friend, Brandi Harvey.

You probably recognize her as the daughter of popular TV show host, Steve Harvey, but much more than that Brandi is a wellness advocate, teacher and profound public speaker.

Recently she’s started her own company BEYOND HER, which is still in its infancy.

Download this episode today to hear her amazing insights on one of the most important pillars: Fit.

[bctt tweet=”“Nothing is going to stop you but you.” – @youngfitandfly” username=”seekwisdompcw”]


The Cliff Notes:

If you want results, you have to do things you’ve never done before.
Don’t be the skinniest person in the room, be the healthiest.
Sometimes you just need a nudge or word to wake up your inner giant.
You only get one body to take care of.
Our bodies need to be loved, respected and cared for.
A part of our journey is respecting our temple.
Whatever we do in the dark, it shows up in the light.
You have to change all of your habits if you want to see results.
You can’t out train a bad diet.
What we put into our bodies has the ability to heal us, or to harm us.
Greatness never goes on sale, it’s always full price.
You have to consider what caused the weight to get there in the first place.
A quick fix never lasts, you have to find the root of the problem.
Everything is connected: Mind, Body, and Soul.
Make sure you have the mental capacity to handle the things you want.
Take the time to reflect on your feelings.
To get the things that you want, you have to do the things you’ve never done.
You have to be alone for the spirit to talk to you.
Every great person has had a mountaintop experience.
Many people use their faith as a cop out.
You can’t pray about it and then forget about it.
Don’t be afraid to surrender.

[bctt tweet=”“You can’t get ready for your life. It’s happening right now.” – @youngfitandfly” username=”seekwisdompcw”]


Beyond Her

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Untethered Soul


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