[spp-tweet tweet=”[bctt tweet=”For every measure of resistance you face, release a volt that can help you push through.” – Patrice Washington” username=”seekwisdompcw”]
Episode Summary:
I realized as I was finishing up the Results Not Resolutions series, that I didn’t mention the best part to all of this. When you start shifting your focus to get to your next level of greatness, you can start to experience things that make you feel like all hell is breaking loose. It doesn’t matter how pumped you are about setting goals and getting results, you still have to be prepared for the fact that life is still going to happen.
Resistance will still surface in spite of your best efforts. We will all find ourselves coming to a fork in the road about whether we keep going or whether we give up. Butting up against resistance is why many of us fall away from our goals year after year. Today, I’m going to talk about resistance and how to work through it.
- Resistance is a force that acts to stop the progress of something or make it slower.
- All materials naturally contain resistance to the flow of electric current. We are all experiencing some level of resistance at any given moment.
- Expect resistance, because no one is immune to it. Even people who look like they are doing great could be going through difficult times.
- When we make plans and goals, we expect the vision we have for them.
- Set yourself up to have a contingency plan to navigate through the seasons of resistance.
- We have the power to reframe this resistance to be for us not against us.
- Resistance is here to reveal opportunities for growth.
[spp-tweet tweet=”[bctt tweet=”Expect resistance. No one is immune to resistance.” – Patrice Washington” username=”seekwisdompcw”]
Quotes from the show:
“When you start shifting your focus to get to your next level of greatness, you can start to experience things that make you feel like all hell is breaking loose.” – Patrice Washington
“Set yourself up to become a person that understands that resistance is inevitable and have a contingency plan in place for how you navigate and maneuver through seasons of resistance.” – Patrice Washington
“I’m reaching for my next level of greatness, so I know that there’s going to be some level of resistance on the journey.” – Patrice Washington
“For every measure of resistance you face, release a volt that can help you push through.” – Patrice Washington
“You have to decide that being stuck and letting the resistance overwhelm you is not an option.” – Patrice Washington
“Resistance is here to reveal opportunities for growth.” – Patrice Washington
“Resistance is here in order to help us create a plan or a path to overcome something similar next time.” – Patrice Washington
“Expect resistance. No one is immune to resistance.” – Patrice Washington
“We have the power to reframe this resistance to be for us not against us.” – Patrice Washington
“You get to reframe your resistance and make it about how you release your voltage how you release your power.” – Patrice Washington
“You do not embrace resilience without having been through resistance. The definition of resilience is the capacity to recover quickly from difficulties.” – Patrice Washington
[spp-tweet tweet=”[bctt tweet=”You have to decide that being stuck and letting the resistance overwhelm you is not an option.” – Patrice Washington” username=”seekwisdompcw”]
Glen Henry: 5 Steps to Releasing Your Genius
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