Episode Summary:
This is the time of year when we start focusing on finishing strong. It’s time to get those last-minute goals in. I’ve pushed myself in so many different areas this year, that I want to remind you of something that you can use right now. At all times and in all seasons, you have to give God something to bless. In this episode, I give you some things to consider when pushing through the last eight weeks of the year and finishing strong.
- When you don’t know the steps ahead, you can get caught up in analysis paralysis.
- You need to surrender to the confusion and push ahead. If you knew the challenges ahead, you probably wouldn’t continue.
- You will gain clarity and learn lessons while you are working out the kinks of where you are.
- There are steps you can take while you are waiting for the opportunity to arrive. Take action and expect a positive effect.
- You have 60 days left to make sure 2018 is what you want it to be. Keep moving in the right direction.
Quotes from the show:
[spp-tweet tweet=”[bctt tweet=”“At all times and in all seasons, you have to give God something to bless.” – Patrice Washington” username=”seekwisdompcw”]
“When reflecting back on this year’s goals, it’s important to have a serious conversation with yourself and ask if you have given it your all.” – Patrice Washington
“Wisdom is having the mindset that tells you how and when to apply the knowledge that you have.” – Patrice Washington
“In life, there will be seasons when your mind cannot understand the circumstances that you are in.” – Patrice Washington
[spp-tweet tweet=”[bctt tweet=”“At all times and in all seasons, you have to give God something to bless.” – Patrice Washington” username=”seekwisdompcw”]
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Finish Strong: Determining What’s Important Now
You Can’t Be Selective With Surrender
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