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You Can’t Be Selective With Surrender

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One of the scariest and hardest things we can do is surrender. We want control, and think we know what’s best.

The truth is, if you want to get where you are going you need to trust in the process. Trust that you will reach the destination you want to get to, and allow yourself to travel the path you are being taken down.

The more you fight it, the more you are going to impede your progress.

Don’t just surrender in one area of life. Surrender in all areas.

That doesn’t mean give up. You still need to continue to show up and give it your all. You just can’t dictate the path you are going down.

On this episode of the Redefining Wealth podcast, I open up about the importance of surrendering and how it changed my life.

This episode was a tough one for me. Not because I didn’t know what to do, but because it’s so personal for me. I share a lot on this episode with you and I hope you learn from my life and my mistakes.

Download this episode today to hear how I learned to surrender the hard way.
[bctt tweet=”“If you are too scared to surrender, you impede your own progress.”” username=”seekwisdompcw”]

The Cliff Notes:

  • The definition of surrender is to yield to the power, control, or position of another.
  • Many of us struggle with surrendering.
  • There’s no reason to suffer in silence.
  • You need to surrender in all areas, not just one or two.
  • Wake up looking for new opportunities.
  • Have a daily quiet time.
  • Look for the blessing that is to come on the other side.
  • We get to tell any story that we want.
  • You don’t have to have it all figured out. Trust the process and let go.
  • Sometimes the best thing you can do is nothing.

[bctt tweet=”“Your challenges aren’t happening to you, they are happening for you.”” username=”seekwisdompcw”]


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