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Tiffany Aliche: Ready to Be Realized

Have you ever lost it all and thought how the heck am I going to rebuild all of this? For many people losing it all might sound extreme, but I’m sure many of you have lost money at some point in your life and thought, “What am I going to do now?”

Tiffany Aliche, The Budgetnista, has experienced losing it all – her job, her home, her boyfriend – and remembers thinking, “How do I rebuild as a grown woman?” Fortunately, she was able to rebuild and has created The Budgetnista brand in the process.

As we dig into Tiffany’s journey, she shares that one of the key things to her success was learning the only thing she could truly bet on was herself. Join us as we cover everything from money and success to passion projects and Tiffany’s new book Happy Birthday Mali More.

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The Budgetnista Takeaways 

  • The only thing I can truly bet on is myself. – Tiffany Aliche
  • People don’t want to follow someone who’s financially perfect. They want to follow someone who’s made mistakes and come out better for it. – Tiffany Aliche
  • I’ve always been passionate about financial education, but my experience with losing money gave me compassion for people. – Patrice Washington
  • Just because you mess up with money, doesn’t make you a mess up. – Tiffany Aliche
  • Be conscious of your daily deposits – you cannot reap what you have not sown. – Tiffany Aliche
  • Working and money are necessary, but not at the expense of everything else. – Patrice Washington
  • I don’t need to chase success. It is set aside for me. – Tiffany Aliche
  • Any time you say, “I’m doing X because I HAVE to,” that’s going to be a problem. – Patrice Washington
  • Live, at least some of your life, inspired. – Tiffany Aliche
  • The journey and the dream are one in the same. – Tiffany Aliche
  • We are all situationally important. – Tiffany Aliche

For many of us, we can relate to Tiffany’s advice and experience – I know I can. Like I said, we’re two peas in a pod. But I’d love to hear from you. Have you ever lost money and thought, “What now?” What did you do? Did that loss set you up for even greater success?

Redefining Wealth Rapid Wisdom Questions

And with that, let’s dig into Tiffany’s responses to our Redefining Wealth Rapid Wisdom Questions.

Define Success:


Define Wealth in 3 Words or Less:

“Service to others.”

One Book that Has Redefined How You See Wealth:

The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho

Fill-in the Blanks … “My name is ___ and the truth about wealth is ___”:

“My name is Tiffany Aliche and the truth about wealth is that it’s about how much you can help other people, and you will never die if you have poured into someone else because through them you will continuously live.” 


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