[spp-tweet tweet=”[bctt tweet=”“When we start comparing ourselves to other people, we start self-sabotaging.” – Patrice Washington” username=”seekwisdompcw”]
Episode Summary:
This is a Redefining Wealth Rewind to one of my favorite solo episodes, The Power of No Comparison. We are in the throes of recording some amazing interviews for the Results Not Resolutions Series coming up at the top of the year. In 2019, we are getting results. But now, it’s time to focus on what matter to us and stop comparing ourselves to other people who may have completely different stories.
[spp-tweet tweet=”[bctt tweet=”“The story I was telling myself kept me from being my best possible self.” – Patrice Washington” username=”seekwisdompcw”]
- It’s not fair to yourself to compare your life to someone else when you don’t know their fitness level or where they are at in their lives.
- The only thing that matters is becoming better than YOU were before.
- When you are focused on your goals and your vision, you are more committed.
- Your goals can’t be based on other people, they need to be about what feels good to you and works for you.
- You are more complete when you are not in comparison. Be in alignment with what feels good to you.
Quotes from the show:
“The truth is there is no comparison, because we should only be competing with who we were yesterday.” – Patrice Washington
“When we start comparing ourselves to other people, we start self-sabotaging.” – Patrice Washington
“The story I was telling myself kept me from being my best possible self.” – Patrice Washington
“I am better than I was a week ago. I’m better than I was several months ago. I am better than I’ve been in 20 years. That’s the only thing that matters to me. That’s the power of no comparison.” – Patrice Washington
“You have to be committed to your own process. When you’re in comparison with other people, you are going to skip some steps that you’re not ready for.” – Patrice Washington
[spp-tweet tweet=”[bctt tweet=”“The truth is there is no comparison, because we should only be competing with who we were yesterday.” – Patrice Washington” username=”seekwisdompcw”]
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