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Lyn Talbert: Why Making Time for You Is Mandatory

Have you ever had someone tell you that you should pick one thing and stick with it? That may be good advice for some, but it doesn’t work for everyone.

You want to avoid spreading yourself too thin, but at the same time there’s no reason you should start to feel trapped. We all have a lot of passions and things we know a lot about, so why not turn them into a fun business as well?

The important thing to remember if another project is something you want to pursue is that your work has your name on it. Is it something that you will want to be representative of you? Are you able to put enough into it that you’ll want it associated with you?

On this episode of redefining wealth we have someone who is truly inspirational, mega producer,  Lyn Talbert. Lyn has set so many records and first in the entertainment industry, started her own beauty line, and still manages to take a bath every day. Talk about someone I want to be!

Download this episode today to hear all about what it takes to make multiple dreams come true.

[bctt tweet=”“Be easy to work with.” – Lyn Talbert” username=”seekwisdompcw”]

The Cliff Notes:

  • Purpose is evolving.
  • It’s good to go into something with a positive attitude and learn from mistakes.
  • Your name is on your work and is representative of you.
  • Do the best that you can and put in your research.
  • When meeting a mentor skip the surface questions and go in deep.
  • Most mentors are too busy to help you every day.
  • Take a bath regularly to help you relax.
  • Schedule me time like any other appointment is mandatory.
  • Have do not disturb signs.
  • It’s important to have your money matters handled properly.
  • There is not loan for retirement.

[bctt tweet=”“You’re never too big to do anything.” – Lyn Talbert” username=”seekwisdompcw”]



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