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Casanova Brooks: Your Story Is Not for You

Have you ever heard the saying, “Bad things come in threes?” Well, I’m sure you have. You may have even experienced it yourself, where you wonder, “Why me? Why is this thing happening to me right now when I’ve already got all these other terrible things happening?”

For Casanova Brooks, award-winning real estate agent, investor, speaker and author of Real Estate: Play the Game Like the Winners, that’s how he felt when he lost his mom, his job and his home all within a matter of weeks.

It was a lot to go through, but Casanova didn’t let it defeat him. Instead, he focused on the next steps and kept going because he saw the potential in the things he was building – relationships, a business, a future, a legacy.

And today, he’s joining us to share his journey and the wisdom he’s gained from his “bad things come in threes” journey to survival.  Even as a young boy, Casanova had the ability and natural energy to build relationships, and as he says, “I first started with the question of what can I do to serve more?” So now, let’s dive in and learn how he’s gotten to where he is today.

This episode is brought to you by Purpose 2 Platform, a 20-week business accelerator and mentorship program that will get you clear on HOW to package your PURPOSE, communicate your PROMISE to your ideal audience, choose the best PLATFORM for your personality and lifestyle and create a PREMIUM offer.

Through this program, you’ll receive accountability and support in a dynamic community designed to help you finally make progress, all so you can pull the trigger on what’s no longer serving you.

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Everything Starts with a Dream Takeaways

  • Just because you have a college degree, doesn’t mean you’re going to be successful in life. – Casanova Brooks
  • Be the lord of your land because he or she who owns the land, makes the rules. – Jay Morrison
  • I want to die empty, not die knowing that all my best ideas died with me. – Patrice Washington
  • You don’t have to love the process, but you have to be married to the destination. – Casanova Brooks
  • If you’re waiting for a perfect process, you’re going to miss it all. – Patrice Washington
  • People don’t buy what you do, they buy who you are and why you’re doing it. – Casanova Brooks
  • Everyone has an unfair advantage. – Casanova Brooks
  • You’re listening to the 1% and then doing what the 99% do. – Casanova Brooks

What are your biggest takeaways from Casanova’s story? How have you moved through and dealt with loss? Did you find having a purpose made it easier? Let us know in the comments below.

Redefining Wealth Rapid Wisdom Questions

And with that, let’s dig into Casanova’s responses to our Redefining Wealth Rapid Wisdom Questions.

Define Success:

“By the number of people who cry at your funeral because that’s when you know you’ve truly made an impact.”

Define Wealth in 3 Words or Less:


One Book that Has Redefined How You See Wealth:

Rich Dad, Poor Dad and Cashflow Quadrant by Robert Kiyosaki

Fill-in the Blanks … “My name is ___ and the truth about wealth is ___”:

“My name is Casanova and the truth about wealth is understanding real estate, business and credit will be the things that allow you and your legacy to live on for many generations.” 


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