This month I turn 39, and as I walk into this last year of my 30s, I want to recap some of the top lessons I’ve learned over the past year. For me, life isn’t about just checking things off, it’s about making sure I look at how I’ve grown from the things I’ve done.
So in this episode, I’m going to reflect and share my biggest takeaways with you in the hopes we can grow together and you can offer your voice, insights and feedback, as well. So please feel free to comment and give the podcast a rate and review — that would be the best birthday gift you could give me.
And without further ado, let’s jump in and discuss the five biggest lessons I’ve learned over the last year.
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Lessons from the Last Year Takeaways
- Stop romanticizing relationships and trying to force people to be who you’ve imagined them to be as opposed to they’ve shown you they are. – Patrice Washington
- Operate in excellence, but don’t stress out about perfection. – Patrice Washington
- No one needs you to be a perfect ten to get results – allow yourself to make sloppy progress. – Patrice Washington
- Don’t be ashamed to talk about yourself and share your successes. – Patrice Washington
- When you don’t share openly about your success and what’s possible, other people won’t see what’s possible for themselves either. – Patrice Washington
- I will do X, Y and Z with grace and ease. – Patrice Washington
- If you say something is impossible, it simply means it’s not your priority. – Patrice Washington
- Purpose evolves and it will shift over time, but when you’re in a season that requires your focus, you need to be able to turn distractions off. – Patrice Washington
Now, I’d love to hear from all of you – that’s my birthday wish. What are some life lessons you’ve learned over the last year? What are some of the lessons you’ve learned from Redefining Wealth? What are some of your favorite episodes? Any advice or words of wisdom as I go into the last year of my 30s?
Episodes mentioned:
Stop Romanticizing Relationships
Impossible Means It’s Not Your Priority
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