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The Six Pillars of Wealth – Part 1

Before we step fully into redefining wealth, I believe it’s important that we review the six pillars of wealth. While many of you have heard me talk about the six pillars and expressed your excitement and understanding, others have sent me personal messages and emails in search of clarity and practical action steps to activate each pillar. If you’re not familiar, the six pillars of wealth are Fit, People, Faith, Space, Work and Money.

In last week’s episode, I shared my personal story and we tackled the truth about wealth. I also challenged you to write down a goal in each pillar that you’d like to obtain this year. This week we’ll be discussing the Fit & People pillars as well as action steps you can take today to better yourself and strengthen your relationships.

Key discussion points include:

  • 05:34 – Become Your Best Self
  • 08:41 – Commit To Your Own Process
  • 16:32 – Create Your Personal Mantra
  • 24:03 – Enforce Strong Boundaries
  • 29:27 – Articulate The Vision & Enroll Others

I want you to finally get what it is you say you want and build an awareness around who you need to become in order to take the next best step. Whether you are a seasoned or new Purpose Chaser, my mission over the next few weeks is to unpack each pillar, help you gain further clarity surrounding your purpose, and provide you with the tools needed to achieve tangible results.

This episode is brought to you by our complimentary Purpose Chasers community. Want to share your aha moments with a group of like-minded purpose chasers from all over the world? Visit and join NOW.

The Six Pillars of Wealth Takeaways – Part 1

  • “If we have a vision for our lives, it is imperative that we protect the only vessel we have to execute that vision.” – Patrice Washington
  • “When you commit to your own process and set goals specific to where you are and where you want to be, you don’t have to compete against anyone else.” – Patrice Washington
  • “When you’re not in comparison you become more courageous.” – Patrice Washington
  • “What you verbalize, you magnetize.” – Patrice Washington
  • “There is no wealth without health.” – Patrice Washington
  • “Financial struggle won’t be your reality forever.” – Patrice Washington
  • “Been there, done that, on the way back.” – Gerald & Patrice Washington
  • “You have the ability to choose thoughts that serve you.” – Patrice Washington
  • “Relationships are fundamental to true wealth.” – Patrice Washington
  • “Personal boundaries are parameters you set to define acceptable ways for people to treat you.” – Patrice Washington
  • “There’s always someone watching you who has the power to bless you.” – Patrice Washington
  • “God knows what you’re waiting on when he sees what you’re working on.” – Patrice Washington
  • “In order to build the wealth that you desire, people are going to be a part of the process.” – Patrice Washington
  • “When people don’t have a vision for their own life, they have all the time in the world to distract you from yours.” – Patrice Washington
  • “We are who we are because of the people we surround ourselves with.” – Patrice Washington


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