The doors to Mastery + Momentum are open for a bit longer, and I thought while we wait to start this amazing adventure it would be great to peel back the layers and share some key points with you. In this episode, we’ll look at why I created the Mastery + Momentum community, how you can apply the concept of Mastery + Momentum to your own life and what the program has done for the women we currently serve.
Before we dive in, I want to celebrate these women. In the last six months, we’ve seen everything from raises, promotions and increased income to mended relationships, weight loss and saving more money than they’ve ever done before. These epic results come from a radical approach to goal setting and accountability, and I can’t wait to share it with you!
This episode is brought to you by my Mastery + Momentum 12-month Private Mastermind and Retreat Experience. If you’ve been craving sisterhood and community with not just like-minded women, but women who have the capacity to relate to your success, while understanding the struggles that come with it, I might have what you need! Learn more at
If I asked you to define mastery, you’d probably say something like knowing everything possible about a particular subject or area. The truth is, however, you don’t have to know everything, but you do need to be at least proficient which is more in alignment with what mastery means. Notice: it doesn’t mean perfection.
For many of us, we never create enough time to become more proficient – more masterful – in the things that challenge, scare or are unknown to us. Instead, we stay comfortable. We keep the same company, hide out, play small and tell ourselves that, “That’s just who I am.” In other words, we settle.
Now, I want you to take a moment and think about the greatest version of yourself. Who is she? What is she like?
When I see the greatest version of myself, I recognize that there’s work to do – some of it is scary and some of it I don’t even know how to start. But one thing I don’t do – I don’t stop. Instead, I center myself around people who are strong where I am weak, and I invest in learning so that I can become more proficient in areas that I’m not.
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In the Mastery + Momentum Mastermind, we use my 6 Pillars of Wealth to get honest about where we are. We look at the areas we need to work on most and who we need to become to reach our goals and more importantly maintain them.
[spp-tweet tweet=”[bctt tweet=”“If you don’t take the time to master your weaknesses, you’ll mask them with things that don’t matter and waste precious time and money.”” username=”seekwisdompcw”]
Simply put, momentum is the driving force gained by the development of a process or course of events. In other words, when you get clear on the areas you need to work on and you begin building up your proficiency, momentum will create a chain-reaction of milestones – achievements obtained sooner, quicker and faster than you’ve ever experienced before. It’s like a landslide of winning.
For many people, they experience a win every three or five years. They’ll accomplish one thing and then sit on the sidelines again waiting for another opportunity.
With consistent dedication to mastery, however, your momentum builds and that win that only happened once a year or once every five years, happens on the regular.
Meet Mastery + Momentum
To show you how powerful this concept of mastery and momentum can be, we invited a handful of women from my Mastermind to share their experiences with you.
First up is Lezlie. Lezlie is a massage therapist from Detroit and when asked to share one win she’s had since starting the mastermind, she said,
“I don’t want to be too broad in saying that every area of life has changed for the better, but honestly, it has.” – Lezlie
Since being in the Mastery + Momentum community, Lezlie has lost 16 pounds. She’s straightened out relationships that had been gnawing at her. Her career is more fulfilling. And she’s managed to follow and maintain a daily routine.
Many of these incredible women have created exponential momentum by embracing new ideas of what self-care means. Here’s a look at how Maritza’s self-care changed:
“Self-care is about protecting your space. It’s about creating boundaries and taking care of yourself mentally and physically.” – Maritza
It’s also about carving out time in your day to make sure you’re doing what’s important to you. For Maritza, Mastery + Momentum has completely transformed her life. She now wakes up two hours earlier than she was before and uses that time to work out, pray or journal.
“Had it not been for Mastery + Momentum, I’d still be living with a limited definition of what self-care means.” – Maritza
Some of the women like wife, mother and entrepreneur, Herdyne Mercier, came in committed to elevate one pillar and then something else happened.
As Herdyne discussed, the one pillar she wanted to elevate was the faith pillar. When she started in Mastery + Momentum, she was questioning whether or not God was hearing her prayers and wondering whether the dreams he’d deposited in her would manifest themselves.
Over the course of Mastery + Momentum, Herdyne launched the LCSW Success program to help people pass the exam needed to become a Licensed Clinical Social Worker. She also raised her prices and has gotten more exposure so she can walk in purpose and spread her own unique message.
That’s momentum. That’s her prayers being answered.
When we asked how being a part of the Mastery + Momentum community felt, here’s what April, an advocate for children and families in the education arena in NYC and Carla, a mom and marketing expert, had to say,
“We have such love for one another. We support each other, we push each other and we never allow each other to stay stuck in a bad moment.” – April
“I have sisters who support me. I have a true sense of community with women who cheerlead, encourage and pray with each other.” – Carla
Seeing these women interact at our live spring retreat left me asking several of them, “Are you sure you didn’t know each other before this?” These women have grown together, they lean on each other, they bounce ideas off of one another, and they refuse to let their sisters settle for second best.
This community is exactly what I set out to create. And now, as we’re gearing up for the next Mastery + Momentum group, I have to say from the applications I’ve read so far, I’m astounded by the number of people who aren’t willing to leave their comfort zone to claim their breakthrough.
Fortunately for Natalie, an international influencer from the UK, she was willing to and didn’t let living across the pond prevent her from joining our community.
“I love everything about Patrice Washington. When I heard she was doing a mastermind, it was a no-brainer, I had to be a part of it.” – Natalie
Another bonus for Natalie has been the wonderful Mastery + Momentum community, and she says, “It’s been amazing having such a supportive group of women from the US. These women have taken me onboard as a sister of theirs and I’ve loved the support we’ve given each other.”
Support. Sisterhood. Friendship. Structure. Success. These are all words used to describe Mastery + Momentum and they’re backed by real action.
Now, I’ll see many women filled with excitement when they attend a conference or enroll in a mastery program, but find themselves sitting with the same old habits shortly after the event or program ends all because there’s nothing or no one pushing them to keep progressing forward. With Mastery + Momentum, that’s not the case.
If you’re willing to admit you can’t do this alone, that you need a sisterhood to support, motivate and challenge you, then applying for Mastery + Momentum will be one of the best decisions of your life.
Transformation, goals achieved, momentum, mastery and the BEST version of you are all waiting on the other side of this click:
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