You Deserve to Redefine Wealth for Yourself

Clear the clutter in your life.

Commit to pursuing purpose.

Create success on your terms.

/wealth/ noun

Today’s Definition: the value and accumulation of money and material possessions The Original Definition: the condition of well-being and happiness.

Having been in the personal finance industry for nearly two decades, I can tell you one thing for sure: when you can clear the clutter in your life, embrace purposeful living and find genuine fulfillment in who you’re becoming authentically, the money will come and hang around a lot longer. 

Until now, you’ve been told your inability to stick to a budget has kept you from financial success. 

Or that keeping a “good secure” job that actually drains the life out of you is wise (even though you and I both know that might actually be the root cause of you mismanaging your finances in the first place.) 

It’s beyond time to do something different.

The Institute for Redefining Wealth is the simplest way to take step-by-step action on shifting your mindset, attitude, beliefs and behavior

So you get better results as you pursue wealth in every area of your life.

The principles within each one of these 6 Pillars of Wealth is what took me from scraping up change and applying for welfare in the recession of 2008 to world renowned and respected thought leader just years later.

YOUR Dean of Purpose?

I want to be your guide on this journey to redefining wealth for yourself and then having the audacity to believe that what you define is within your reach.

Here’s why I’m uniquely qualified to support you: 

  • I’m not new to this, I’m true to this! What I teach is not based on just textbooks (although I do have an MBA in Behavioral Finance and Financial Psychology); it’s rooted in my own testimony of once losing it all, living from paycheck to paycheck and having to rebuild my confidence, business and bank account brick by brick.
  • I offer the perfect blend of personal development, spiritual growth and personal finance success to make sure this journey is well-rounded. Too much of anything can throw everything off track. You need harmony and divinely guided discipline – not more sacrifice and deprivation. 
  • This hasn’t just worked for me. My success stories cross every gender, racial, cultural, socioeconomic and age line there is! This community is so beautifully diverse and everyday I receive emails, direct messages and even have people stop me in the airport to tell me how my coaching or the content of the Redefining Wealth Podcast (now crossing 15 million downloads in just 5 years) has shifted their lives.

The problem is, so often you’re piecing things together on your own and I do NOT believe greatness is created in isolation. You need support. 

So I’ve curated an experience to help you get off auto-pilot and get clear on which one of the 6 Pillars you need to deep dive into ASAP. You’ll learn the exact 12 steps to take next in order to make significant progress in that area so you can finally thrive before moving on to the next pillar.


Every month is pillar themed and purposeful.

App Format

Weekly Wealth + Well-Being Affirmations

Guest Expert Trainings

Specific Podcast Recommendations

Q&A Calls

Book Recommendations

A Private Community

Exlusive Spotify Playlists

Community-Led Purpose Pop-Ups


As part of our Committed to the Vision series, we are including a limited-time series of trainings to help you AWAKEN, REFINE and ACTUALIZE your most purposeful year EVER!

$300 Off Redefining Wealth LIVE

Join us LIVE for our annual Redefining Wealth event! Join the Purpose Chasers IRL at this powerful and spirit-led 3-day event. Institute members that join NOW will get $300 off their ticket!

(Value $997)

Pillar Foundations Program

Create a 90-day holistic roadmap to true wealth empowerment! In this ALL-NEW program you'll learn to stay focused on what matters most and overcome your personal success barriers.

(Value $1497)

Committed to the Vision 4-Part Training

Your goals are one thing. Your vision is bigger. This series is always here to keep you focused and give you the tools to stay committed to the work necessary to achieve your most fulfilling life!

(Value $299)


The Institute for Redefining Wealth is right for you if:

  • You’re curious about the progress you could make if you truly embraced living by the pillars.

  • You find yourself feeling overwhelmed when you try to implement and live by the pillars.

  • You want to be intentional about developing your mindset and practical skill-set in each area of life and have yearned for a step by step process to support you.

  • You’re busy juggling life and just need helpful reminders conveniently delivered to your cell-phone on the go. You feel yourself always straddling the fence and you want to dive into living a more purposeful life.

  • You’re ready to start taking calculated action on your desires, dreams and goals. You want a like-hearted community that speaks the same purpose-driven, abundance-focused language.

  • You’re ready to define, build and embrace a successful and wealthy life on your own terms.

If you’re ready to live your life’s purpose, find fulfillment and earn more without chasing money in real life, I would love to have you join us.

It’s time to Redefine Wealth for Yourself
with Patrice Washington

Named by SUCCESS Magazine as one of the Top 25 Influential Leaders in Personal Development, Patrice Washington is a conscious thought-leader, award-winning podcaster, author, sought-after media personality, renowned transformational speaker and hope-restoring/tough-love coach on PBS television series, Opportunity Knock$.

As the founder of Redefining Wealth, Patrice has built a thriving international community of purpose-driven individuals committed to creating a powerful life weaving together the aspects of their careers, home, health, and personal finances. Through wise teachings and intuitive guidance, Patrice creates a safe environment for Purpose Chasers to dig deeper in exploring and understanding the obstacles that are prohibiting them from making progress. She empowers her international community to look at life through a lens of abundance and opportunity, instead of lack and scarcity.

Consistently called on by top national media outlets such as Good Morning America, CNBC, Cosmopolitan, Women’s Health, NBC, Essence Magazine, and more, Patrice is where personal development, spiritual growth and personal finance success converge to create a roadmap for your ultimate success.


When content is organized and streamlined for easy consumption, students accelerate. I’ve curated the best of five years of my hundreds of pieces of content to support you in quick consumption and easy implementation. 

Plus, the book and podcast don’t come with a chance for Q&As, focus groups, trainings and like-minded and like-hearted community attached to it. 🙂

You’ll receive your log-in credentials and be invited into the premium section of our Redefining Wealth App where you can set up your profile, access your library of resources like podcast recommendations, playlists, etc. and be guided to signing up for your New Member Orientation!

Our Monthly Q&As happen every first Monday unless there’s a holiday and they last for about 90 minutes on average.

Your welcome to stay for the entire session or catch the replay and enjoy at your leisure. 

Other than that, everything you have access to is self-paced. You define the time you’re willing to contribute in any given season. 

I’m grateful for social media and all of the amazing people I’ve met because of it, but I can’t always handle the noise . . . especially in a U.S. election season. 

We’re keeping our feed clean and getting out of the toxicity by housing all things Patrice Washington and Redefining Wealth in our own Redefining Wealth App! 

This could be your results...