It’s time to redefine wealth on your own terms!
You Should Focus On:
Focusing on cutting out clutter will help you claim more wealth and well-being in all aspects of your life.
Watch this short + sweet results recap to find more fulfillment + freedom when it comes to money.
The next step on your money journey is all about organizing your space. Because the state of your space reflects how much you’re able to control and maximize your time. And as you know, time is money.
Most of us waste so much time looking for things we can’t find. How many times a day do you lose your keys or your phone?
No joke, the average American wastes 55 minutes a day in search of lost stuff. Whether it’s keys in a purse or a document on the cloud — you don’t have that kind of time to waste. Your energy is too precious for that.
Ever notice that it’s easier to feel like you’re in the flow when your space is clean and clear? That’s because cluttered space = cluttered mind. The easiest way to shift and uplift your energy is to change your environment. That way you can make space for so much more goodness to come your way, money included.
Where money’s concerned, let your space be your foundation. Protect your boundaries and be mindful about who you let into your world. Set up your space intentionally for the life you want to lead, so you can attract more of the things you want.
In order to follow your purpose and go after what you really want — cut out the clutter and simplify your life!
Money is just a currency after all. Creating a clean and clear space (and taking your time back) will keep you connected to your flow. That way money can flow to you with more ease and grace than you might imagine possible right now.
Head back to the Redefining Wealth Membership to get started on this pillar!